Sunday, May 10, 2020

Reflection on My Nursing Decision - 2370 Words

Pearson (2013) clarifies â€Å"clinical decision making is essential to every aspect of care delivered to a patient† (p. 214). It is the ability to blend information and make decisions that will later be implemented in the situation. Evidence-based decision making involves choosing from a variety of possibilities and combining the knowledge through research and the scientific evaluation of one’s practice. The purpose of this paper is to analyze my decision of administering ativan by advocating for the patient and anticipating her change prior to confirming signs; which provided a therapeutic response. Clinical Decision During my community placement of the cataract clinic at St. Joseph’s Hospital, one patient I observed looked extremely anxious†¦show more content†¦Rationale for Framework The CAEN Decision Making Model for Nursing Practice Framework was chosen for this analysis due to its incorporation of foundational knowledge, thinking processes, context and decision-making processes. The model places major emphasis on the quality of relationships, salience and pattern recognition, healing initiatives, critical reflection to analyze a situation pre and post and to value different ways of knowing. The client along with the nurse is intertwined in the center of the framework highlighting the importance of their relationship. All critical decision making for nursing practice is the client’s lived experience of health and healing; which is essential to the inquiry process where a nurse will enter into and become engaged in the new relationship. In this situation, being directly involved with the patient provided an opportunity to create a relationship on the basis of providing health and healing measures (CAEN, 2008). Coming to Know the Client The first stage of this framework is coming to know the client, which requires the nurse to understand that the personal meaning of health and healing is individualized and the context of this area is highly subjective. Gillespie and Paterson (2009) state that â€Å"clinical decision-making processes are triggered by recognition of a cue from a patient† (p. 167). In the case of this patient, the decision was based off a cue; a changeShow MoreRelatedA Future Advanced Practice Registered Nurse ( Aprns )1314 Words   |  6 Pagesunknowing that will only prepare me in the future practice as I provide quality nursing care. The knowledge is critical in decision-making allowing me to collaborate effectively with a multidisciplinary team, patients, and their families to promote quality care and positive outcomes. As APRNs, in order to develop nursing theories the ability to use reflection and have an open mind to different concepts and possibilities in nursing care is crucial. It only takes a few minutes to apply Watson theory of caringRead MoreI Am Pursuing Nursing As A Profession873 Words   |  4 Pagesorders to expand my knowledge. 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