Monday, February 17, 2020

The Truman Show Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Truman Show - Movie Review Example In the show, which must keep going in order to sustain its own world, Truman Burbank is the ultimate consumer: nothing about his life is secret to the viewer. He is doing what corporations want to observe people doing: acting naturally and making choices which seem to be those of free will. Going into a large corporate store, it is very easy to fill out surveys. Cameras are everywhere. There are parallels everywhere to the ways that consumers are scrutinized, just as Truman Burbank is scrutinized in â€Å"The Truman Show.† The motivation of the show’s producers is motivated to portray Truman Burbank as an ideal consumer so that the self-sustaining world of supply and demand can continue. The producers are the supply; Truman makes the demands. It is a symbiotic relationship, so the producers want to keep it going. They will stop at nothing to keep Truman from the truth, and this is part of what forms much of the tension in the second part of the movie. Overall, Truman Bu rbank is a typical ideal consumer, because he is the object of constant scrutiny and measurement. To me, the conclusion is the most important part of a short essay such as this one, because it really is the last thing that the reader is going to take away from the process. The conclusion here about the cycle of Truman’s routine was something that I completely agreed within this response because I also think that corporations are looking for habits and cycles in their consumers, and this is something that made Truman ideal.   

Monday, February 3, 2020

Motivation in work place Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Motivation in work place - Assignment Example actor of motivation of the employees in the workplace is extremely important for deciding the performance levels of an organization which functions in the healthcare segment. As such, this research is conducted to evaluate the existing motivation levels, strategies and performance within the organization. Also, the motivation strategies that can be used by the business managers in the organization are considered and their practical application is analysed. The research would be mainly based on secondary research methodology in which data would be gathered from the employee groups working in the NHS foundation Trust. The research report is structured in a methodical and step by step manner. Suitable research aims and objectives are designed followed by a thorough review of the available literatures on the topic of motivation. The literature review would help to provide a base for the development of the research work and for analysing the collected data from a theoretical perspective. The research methodology including data collection techniques and data analysis methods are discussed. This is followed by the finding and interpretations that are derived by analysing the secondary data collected from the research. A well formulated conclusion is given to summarize the findings from the research. Also, a reflective diary that includes the approaches, views and opinions of the researcher is documented. An annotated bibliography is added to review the academic references used for the research work and for highlighting the purpose and use of these literary sources in the paper. The main aim of the research is to evaluate the factor of motivation in workplaces. This is done by understanding what motivation actually is and studying the different dimensions of motivation. The researcher aims to explore motivation form different perspectives and looks into the role of motivation in a workplace. Also, he looks into the different strategies that may be used by the human